Tribal Wars - Mass Attack Planner
RU Version -

Input target/player coords

Recalc saved nuke for empty noble targets

User manual:
full nuke, cat ram or additional nukes (A B C) - your nukes coords
nobles - your nobles coords
fake - your fakes cords
targets - our villain coords for nobling/nuking/etc.
button "+" if set on - it will add coords to category, otherwise (if set off) it will overwrite coords in this category
time - arrival time for all mass
Small tip: add noble targets to nuke targets for sending more nukes there
Coords input format xxx|yyy with space (example 111|222 111|333), for nobles possible format xxx|yyy-z, z - your nobles count (example 111|222-5)
Save nukes around noble targets (fields) - will save your nukes around noble target, recalc saved nuke - it will add nuke to calculate around target if nobles wasn't distributed there
Fakes train targets calculated with check max noble fields, if village with fake nobles is unreachable for any target it will be dropped
After init all necessary categories press Validate
After nobles distribution - press Calculate
Mass plan will be calculated and prepared for mailing to players. In future versions it will be saved into DB too.
Highly recommended to use 'distributed' method for normal mass attacks
Validation may take up to 3 mins due to world size
For access keys or add other worlds contact me: telegram - @natureinside17; discord soul#6938; vk